Notification to EHS clients with regards to Equine Influenza outbreaks in Europe

Dear Client,


The recent outbreak of equine influenza in various European Countries (including United Kingdom) are forcing us to implement a number of protective measures for horses shipping by or stabling at European Horse Services.

Although we realize that this is not a 100% guarantee to avoid the spreading of the virus, these decisions are necessary to allow horses still being shipped worldwide. The measures will come into force as from Monday 11th February and until further notice.


1. All horses being shipped by or stabled at European Horse Services (EHS) must have up to date influenza vaccinations as per FEI regulations (maximum interval 1 year) and per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

2. Horses should not be transported if vaccinated less then 14 days before scheduled shipping date.

3. Influenza vaccinations must be correctly administered in the horse’s passport.

4. Horses with incorrect (or doubtful) influenza records in their passport will be refused for shipping and/or for stabling.

5. All vehicles, stables, stable equipment used by EHS are always thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between every transport or stabling period to prevent spreading.

6. Access to vehicles and stables is prohibited for people not employed by EHS.

7. All horses at EHS stables are monitored at least twice daily and rectal temperatures are being taken. Doubtful or suspected horses will be isolated into the sickbay, away from other non-suspected horses, and placed under veterinary supervision.

8. Where necessary, additional tests for equine influenza will be carried out (PCR and/or blood test). Costs for these tests will be charged to the client.

9. Although every effort is being taken by EHS and her staff members to prevent spreading of and/or infection by the equine influenza virus, a 100% certainty cannot be guaranteed. EHS, nor her staff members or subcontractors, can be hold responsible for equines to be infected by the equine influenza virus.

10. Additional charges related to the prevention and/or controlling of spreading and infecting might occur and will be charged to the client.


We understand that these additional bio-security measures might influence or even delay the shipment of your horse(s), for which we do apologize. However, we feel it is our absolute duty towards our clients and their horses and to help avoiding the spreading and preventing further outbreaks of equine influenza. The situation is very serious and is jeopardizing our beloved equine industry, and demands exceptional measures as such. Remember, at European Horse Services the wellbeing and health of our client’s horses are our number 1 priority!


Thanking you for your understanding and help, we remain,


Yours sincerely,


European Horse Services.

Auteur: Filip Vande Cappelle  Bron bericht: European Horse Services  Bron foto: European Horse Services
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